Current beers Tuckerbox Hoppy Lager - Brewed with german lager yeast, late hopped with US Cascade.
Current brews Longboard Pale Ale
Regular brews American Pale Ale Summer Wheat Amber Ale
Formerly the Bluetongue Brewery, a large brewery previously part-owned by Australian ad man John Singleton. Coca-Cola Amatil had a 50 per cent share with SABMiller until SABMiller acquired Foster's Group in 2012 and exercised its option to buy out CCA's s ...
A large craft brewery begun by Chuck Hahn, the founder of Hahn Brewery. Now owned by Lion. Current brews The Chancer Golden Ale Jack of Spades Porter Stow Away India Pale Ale Sun Down Australian Lager One Fifty Lashes Pale Ale The Constable Cop ...
Current brews Pale Ale Bock Pilsner Apple Cider
Claims to be one of Australia's smallest breweries. Current brews Hunter Kolsch Hunter Witbier Hunter Ginger Beer Hunter Lager Hunter Pale Ale Hunter Bock Seasonal brews Christmas Pudding Beer Barley Wine #1 Launch Missile Lager The Pimp ...
Current brews Pacific Ale Lager Jasper Ale Seasonal and occasional brews Stone Beer Garden Ale
Doctor's Orders beers are brewed at two Sydney breweries: the Australian Brewery in Rouse Hill and Young Henry’s in Newtown. Doctor's orders says on its website that it brews the beers and the implication therefore is that they are not contract brewed to ...
Current brews 4 Pines Kolsch 4 Pines Stout 4 Pines Hefeweizen 4 Pines Pale Ale 4 Pines Extra Special Bitter 4 Pines Cider Seasonal/special brews Keller Door - Small-batch experimental brews
The original incarnation, Barons Brewing, went into liquidation in 2011 and the brand was bought by a former director of the brewery. Current beers Barons Redhead Barons Pilsner Barons Lager Barons Pale Ale Barons ESB Barons Light Barons Black W ...
A joint venture between Casella Wines and Coca-Cola Amatil, based on Casella's brewing operations. When SABMiller bought Foster's Group in 2011 it triggered a clause in CCA's brewing joint venture with SABMiller, which produced Bluetongue beers, forcing t ...
Current brews John Boston Premium Lager Boston's Mill Pale Ale
Regular brews New Englander Pale Ale New Englander Brown Ale
A 600-litre brewery at the Banjo Paterson Inn begun by former Chuck Hahn, who started Hahn Brewery and Malt Shovel Brewery, both now owned by Kirin through its subsidiary, Lion. Current brews Kosciuszko Pale
Tooheys is part of a brewing conglomerate, making beers under the Tooheys and Hahn brands. Current brews Tooheys New pale lager Tooheys New White Stag Tooheys Old dark ale Tooheys Extra Dry Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum Tooheys Pils Red Bitter (for ...
Current brews RudeBoy Pilsner Angry Man Pale Ale Whale Ale american wheat ale Dark Knight Porter Moon Boy Golden Ale Grand Cru Belgian trippel/golden strong ale Icon 2IPA American india pale ale Discontinued and one-off brews 1942 Collabora ...
Current brews Badlands Pale Ale
One of Australia's original craft breweries, located in an 1841 hotel in Sydney's historic Rocks. Current brews Quayle Ale summer ale Trafalgar Pale Ale English bitter Three Sheets Australian pale ale Victory Bitter English pale ale Old Admiral ol ...