Australian breweries

New South Wales: Random Listings 

Results 1 - 20 of 37

More a brand than a brewery. The brewery's beer, Skinny Blonde, caused controversy because its label featured a pin-up girl who was revealed as the beer level drops and the bottle's temperature rose. Current Brews Skinny Blonde Gold Digger Golden Ale ...

Category New South Wales
4/330 The Entrance Road, , , 2250

A recent arrival, located between Newcastle and Sydney. Current brews Hefeweizen Pale Ale Dark Red India Pale Ale Extra Special Bitter

Category New South Wales

Formerly the Bluetongue Brewery, a large brewery previously part-owned by Australian ad man John Singleton. Coca-Cola Amatil had a 50 per cent share with SABMiller until SABMiller acquired Foster's Group in 2012 and exercised its option to buy out CCA's s ...

Category New South Wales
42 Wentworth Avenue, , , 2010

  Current brews Surry Hills Pils Woolloomooloo Wheat Paddo Pale Glamarama Summer Ale Potts Point Porter Newtown Bitter Darlo Dark Sydney Cider  

Category New South Wales
426 Mitchell Highway, , , 2800

Current brews Badlands Pale Ale

Category New South Wales
1 Kosciuszko Road, , , 2627

A 600-litre brewery at the Banjo Paterson Inn begun by former Chuck Hahn, who started Hahn Brewery and Malt Shovel Brewery, both now owned by Kirin through its subsidiary, Lion. Current brews Kosciuszko Pale  

Category New South Wales
255 Werralong Road, , , 2628

A very small brewery that produces 10 cases of beer - or about 90 litres - per batch. It is part of the Snowy Vineyard Estate. Current brews Blonde Ale Pale Ale Golden Ale Red Ale Strong Ale

Category New South Wales
19 Kent Street, , , 2000

One of Australia's original craft breweries, located in an 1841 hotel in Sydney's historic Rocks. Current brews Quayle Ale summer ale Trafalgar Pale Ale English bitter Three Sheets Australian pale ale Victory Bitter English pale ale Old Admiral ol ...

Category New South Wales
PO Box 881, , , 2575

Category New South Wales

Tooheys is part of a brewing conglomerate, making beers under the Tooheys and Hahn brands. Current brews Tooheys New pale lager Tooheys New White Stag Tooheys Old dark ale Tooheys Extra Dry Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum Tooheys Pils Red Bitter (for ...

Category New South Wales
PO Box 196, , , 2009

Claims its beers are designed specifically to be drunk with food. Current brews Bluebottle lager Firefly ale Prime amber ale

Category New South Wales
1734 Sturt Highway, , , 2650

Current beers Tuckerbox Hoppy Lager - Brewed with german lager yeast, late hopped with US Cascade.

Category New South Wales
1 Skinners Shoot Road, , , 2481

Category New South Wales
PO Box 474, , , 2021

The original incarnation, Barons Brewing, went into liquidation in 2011 and the brand was bought by a former director of the brewery. Current beers Barons Redhead Barons Pilsner Barons Lager Barons Pale Ale Barons ESB Barons Light Barons Black W ...

Category New South Wales
44 Sydenham Road, , , 2204

Regular brews American Pale Ale Summer Wheat Amber Ale

Category New South Wales
19 Bridge Street, , , 2358

Regular brews New Englander Pale Ale New Englander Brown Ale

Category New South Wales
PO Box 1679, , , 2113

Current brews Growers Bright Ale Reserve Amber Ale Reserve Pale Ale  

Category New South Wales
350 Annangrove Road, , , 2155

Current brews Pale Ale Pilsner Steam Ale Fresh Press Cider

Category New South Wales
3443 Nelson Bay Road, , , 2316

Current brews RudeBoy Pilsner Angry Man Pale Ale Whale Ale american wheat ale Dark Knight Porter Moon Boy Golden Ale Grand Cru Belgian trippel/golden strong ale Icon 2IPA American india pale ale Discontinued and one-off brews 1942 Collabora ...

Category New South Wales
Corner Gloucester and Essex streets, , , 2000

Located in Harts Pub, an historic hotel in The Rocks. Current brews Boxer Red Ale Hangman Pale Ale Governor Golden Ale Butcher Porter Convict Lager Pickpocket Cider

Category New South Wales