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The attributes of the water used in brewing, not just its cleanliness, are very important when making beer. For example, the quality of ales brewed in Burton-on-Trent in England is largely due to the local water. Likewise, the magnificent pilsners that come from the Czech Republic would not be possible without its water source. “Hard” water, which is high in dissolved salts, is regarded as best for brewing ales, while “soft” water, which has fewer salts, is generally best suited to lagers.

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Most beer can be bottled or kegged straight from the fermenter, whether it has been racked or not. However, there are some beers that benefit from further conditioning before being put into bottles or a keg.

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Cleaning and sanitation

Rogue microbes are the biggest enemies of all brewers, closely followed by dirty equipment. Keeping your equipment clean and ensuring good sanitation when brewing gives you the best chance of making great-tasting beer.

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May 28, 2017
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Check out our latest constructive, funny, ridiculous and just plain stupid beer reviews. We've added 20 new reviews of Australian and NZ brews.

Millennium Ale review

We've tasted the 16th bottle of the Millennium Ale. We didn't enjoy it.


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