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Cooling the wort

If yeast is pitched when the wort is too hot, at worst the yeast will be killed and at best it will produce off flavours or foam out of the fermenter, or both.

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Brewing with kits and cans

Brewing beer from a can of concentrate — usually supplied as part of a homebrew starter pack containing a fermenter, hydrometer, etc — is where most homebrewers start. It's the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to make a reasonable beer.

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Mash techniques

Depending on what type of beer you're brewing and the malts you're using, you may need or want to employ a different mashing technique to the most common type, which is a single infusion mash. If you're new to all-grain brewing, stick to single-infusion mashing while you get other aspects of your brewing perfected.

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May 28, 2017
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Check out our latest constructive, funny, ridiculous and just plain stupid beer reviews. We've added 20 new reviews of Australian and NZ brews.

Millennium Ale review

We've tasted the 16th bottle of the Millennium Ale. We didn't enjoy it.


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