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Maturation and storage

Once you have bottled or kegged your beer, treat it well and you'll be rewarded with a beer that remains at or near its peak for many months.

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You probably wouldn't order a "a glass of wine" or "a coffee" when out to dinner or at a bar. Most people would be more precise and ask for a sauvignon blanc or a shiraz, or an espresso or caffe latte. Unfortunately, many people don't think twice about ordering "a beer" just like they'd order a "glass of water".

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Brew in a bag

BIAB is the easiest and usually cheapest way to make an all-grain beer. It is growing in popularity because it is simpler and quicker than other methods of all-grain brewing and requires only one vessel, meaning it needs less investment and less room.

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May 28, 2017
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Check out our latest constructive, funny, ridiculous and just plain stupid beer reviews. We've added 20 new reviews of Australian and NZ brews.

Millennium Ale review

We've tasted the 16th bottle of the Millennium Ale. We didn't enjoy it.


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