As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby drsmurto » Friday Aug 29, 2008 12:00 pm

I just dont get why a brewer would go to all that effort (sic) to brew a beer and then deliberately cause an unwanted chemical reaction to occur that adds an unpleasant taste and aroma to it.

That said, the biggest brewers in then world dont use hops, they use isohops which dont undergo the chemical reaction and hence, can be stored in clear bottles.

Not sure which is worse.
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby Tipsy » Saturday Aug 30, 2008 5:14 pm

drsmurto wrote:I just dont get why a brewer would go to all that effort (sic) to brew a beer and then deliberately cause an unwanted chemical reaction to occur that adds an unpleasant taste and aroma to it.

Obviously it is a wanted chemical reaction or they wouldn't do it, and as for unpleasant taste and aroma, well that's a personal thing.

I'll leave it alone now so I don't cause Greg too much stress :mrgreen:
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clear bottles!!

Postby andbrew » Monday Sep 01, 2008 10:03 pm

Why do they bottle Corona in clear bottles if it is the least effective for keeping beer in? Is it some kind of warped Mexican humour? Or a ploy that if it doesn't taste good, the drinker may blame the use of clear glass, ditch the rest, an buy a 'fresh' new 6-pack/carton of Corona and try again.......................?
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby chadjaja » Saturday Sep 20, 2008 7:13 pm

Well I tried one of my corona rip offs tonight with a bit of lime. Cut a lime into 8ths and squeezed it in. Then put the piece in and inverted and back again. Poured it into a glass AND,.,,,,

Its not actually bad :shock:

Now its not a GREAT beer, lacks everything I look for in a beer really BUT my friends will love it on a sunny day and I'll drink it too. Its very young and will improve but the lime did a great job of hiding it.

Actually but using BE2 in it and the lime it tastes kinda like a Montieths zesty radler. Down the hatch and easy to drink.

Bloody hell I should be ashamed of myself but being a beer snob and hating it because I should isn't the right thing to do either.

Note that limes are a crazy $2.50 each at the moment but they will drop in price heaps by next month at least.
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby aurelius121ad » Saturday Sep 20, 2008 11:19 pm

chadjaja wrote:Well I tried one of my corona rip offs tonight with a bit of lime. Cut a lime into 8ths and squeezed it in. Then put the piece in and inverted and back again. Poured it into a glass AND,.,,,,

Why did you put the lime in the bottle and invert it? That is just going to stir up the yeast sediment on the bottom of the bottle. Real Corona doesnt have sediment so that isnt an issue. Why not pour your Corona copy in a glass and then add the lime to the glass?

Corona is nothing more than Mexican megaswill, it isnt the only beer you can add a lime to. Put a lime in your local megaswill and you'll have a similar effect. A friend of mine back home in California used to add limes to his Budweiser to Mexify it up a little... and ironically enough the vast majority of Mexicans in the US drink Budweiser... Corona is an expensive import in the US!
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby chadjaja » Sunday Sep 21, 2008 8:22 am

Actually it poured clear and if you do it slowly and carefully bugger all sediment shifts. And I've found you get better overall infusion of flavour when you get the lime juice to mix rather than just sit and float on top of the beer as it wants to do like oil on water. It works its way thru the beer and when you pour it the lime sits in the neck of the bottle like a lime filter.

And yeah its a crap beer but its not for me like I said already. Some Aussies don't have tastebuds and expect beer to taste a certain way. They aren't likely to touh my IPA.
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby aurelius121ad » Sunday Sep 21, 2008 11:59 am

chadjaja wrote:
And yeah its a crap beer but its not for me like I said already. Some Aussies don't have tastebuds and expect beer to taste a certain way. They aren't likely to touh my IPA.

I wont hassle you for trying to make something like Corona. Personally, I dont like it but to each his own... if thats what your friends want and expect then you're a better man than I for brewing it for them. I brew beers I like and share it, if friends like it then I hand em another, if not they can have a bottle of the local stuff.

It doesnt seem to be a problem for you but if you were to have lots of sediment (or your friends complain about a little sediment) you could do what youre doing with the lime but not invert the bottle. Pouring it into the glass would mix it up better than just inverting the bottle once and you'd still have the "lime filter" effect!

Its funny you mention the Aussie taste bud issue... thats not unique to Australia... thats a worldwide thing. Its the same in the US. And beer here in China is either "yellow beer" (megaswill) or "black beer" (awful attempt at a stout). There is no in between and no way to say ale in Chinese. Everytime I give friends one of my beers I have to explain that beer can come in a variety of colors and flavors, it isnt that cut and dry... and that my brew is supposed to taste this way and will taste nothing like either "yellow" or "black" beer!
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby BierMeister » Tuesday Sep 23, 2008 1:57 pm

drsmurto wrote:I just dont get why a brewer would go to all that effort (sic) to brew a beer and then deliberately cause an unwanted chemical reaction to occur that adds an unpleasant taste and aroma to it.

Dr. I'm disappointed you made this comment. What about many Belgium beers that deliberately let wild yeast 'infect' their beers and give what would be described as off flavours and aromas? It IS beer snobery. I don't like corona and think it's a rip off for what you get, but come on lets see it for what it is. Corona is a beer made from an igredient list that started out with a priority in cheapness first. Maize is cheaper in Mexico than wheat or barley so it makes sense to brew with it and the after effect is less taste. But considering the diet of mexicans and the heat in both food and environment it makes sense for them to drink such beers.

I can't believe I'm defending Corona :oops: :oops: :oops:

Tipsy wrote:
Kevnlis wrote:So would an AG version be something like
Pils grain (maybe JW?)
galena hops 60mins (around 20 IBU's?)
Some dextrose (I Know this technically doesn't make it AG)

and a light bodied mash?

I'd say Pils grain and flaked maize would be a good combo to make the dryness and still be fully AG. You would have to mix it up a bit with the percentages to get it right, but starting at a ratio of 65% pils and 35% maize would be a good start I'd say. Say mash at 62C. Should give you a decent light bodied "flat" "tasteless" beer. Or maybe there would be too much flavour in it from the maize. Like I said, you'd have to experiment a bit and this is one I'm not going to be doing.
Sounds like Beer O'clock.
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby Tipsy » Thursday Sep 25, 2008 1:51 pm

BierMeister wrote:I'd say Pils grain and flaked maize would be a good combo to make the dryness and still be fully AG. You would have to mix it up a bit with the percentages to get it right, but starting at a ratio of 65% pils and 35% maize would be a good start I'd say. Say mash at 62C. Should give you a decent light bodied "flat" "tasteless" beer. Or maybe there would be too much flavour in it from the maize. Like I said, you'd have to experiment a bit and this is one I'm not going to be doing.

I've put something like this into Beersmith on the to do list. From memory it had around about 20% maize.

It will be wedged in between an APA, and a Belgium Ale so there will be plenty of variety on tap at my place.
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby Brendo1 » Thursday Dec 18, 2008 12:03 pm

.... I like Corona's. I like Dark Ales, Pale Ale's stouts...Hell, there's not a beer made that I wont have a taste of and (possibly) find something positive about it. Im gonna have a crack at a Corona clone simply because I went to my brother's 21st a couple of weeks ago and assisted in the consumption of four boxes of it. It was novel, this cute little piece of lemon in the neck adding a bit of citrus flavour to it. Corona is definately a session beer I could down one after another without a complaint from my digestive system. I enjoyed drinking it, Im not sure that it was for the flavour or body etc, but I enjoyed it, the same as I would enjoy a pale ale just for different reasons. Sometimes you're just in the mood for something very easy to drink...Sometimes you want to experience the wank factor of adding lemon/lime to your beer.

Anyways...on to the actual thread content.

Ermm, I'm guessing the coopers mexican can would be a good starting point and probably 1-1.5kg of fermentables. Would coopers brew enhancer 1 and 500g lightdrymalt do the trick? Or Maybe brew enhancer 1 and 500g extra dex? Or maybe just the brew enhancer 1? Considering the final product im aiming for im guessing it doesn't matter too much, Also im yet to do a boil, is it worth dry hopping and with what?
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Re: As much info as possilbe wanted on doing a corona rip off

Postby Tipsy » Friday Jan 23, 2009 7:44 pm

I'm drinking this as I type

3.50 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (3.2 EBC) Grain 70.00 %
1.50 kg Corn, Flaked (2.6 EBC) Grain 30.00 %
15.00 gm Galena [12.20 %] (60 min) Hops 21.2 IBU
0.50 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
2 Pkgs SafLager Swiss Lager (DCL Yeast #S-189) Yeast-Lager

This would be the closest to Corona home brew I've ever tasted.

And whether you like Corona or not, I reckon Galena hops are some of the cleanest (no flavour) bittering hops I've ever tasted.
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