Honey Porter

Suggest or request any recipes for a particular beer or style of beer. Post all recipes here, including kit, partial mash and all-grain.

Postby Guest » Saturday Aug 13, 2005 12:36 pm

Jay wrote:Guest,

I don't know much about the porter kit you intend to use but your recipe will probably make a very strong flavoured beer. I added the dark crystal to a Tooheys dark ale kit with 500g light dried malt (I was after a big beer) and this ended up very sweet (rummy and toffee like).

If you are keen on the crystal malt I would add some hops such as cascade or fuggles (15-20g) to balance it out a bit.
I'd also lose the dextrose. Unless you want plenty of alcohol.

Similarly you could lose the crystal and add 1kg of lighter malt with 100g chocolate grain.


Thanks Jay. The kit is the Cascade Porter.

So you're suggesting

The Cascade Mahogany Porter kit
500g Crystal malt
500g Dextrose
15 - 20 g Cascade or Fuggles hops

Postby Tony » Friday Aug 19, 2005 9:46 pm

As I type, I'm racking my latest "Canal Porter" into secondary. It was the Cascade CMP, a can of Morgan's Chocolate Malt (1Kg) and 500g LDM (Coopers). Naturally I had to taste the hydrometer jar and I think it's going to be a good one. The additional "bite" from the extra chocolate malt (150g) is what I'm looking for, but time will tell. I'll let you know when it's gone through secondary, bottled, and carbonated.

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Honey Porter

Postby Wassa » Sunday Aug 21, 2005 10:10 am

Well guys I finally put it down and here's what I did:

1 can Cascade Mahogany porter
750gm dark dry malt
150gm light dry malt
52gm maltodextrin
500gm yellow box honey

I used up some old fermentables instead of adding choc malt. I boiled 2 litres of water and added honey and boiled for 5 mins. Turned off heat and added can of Cascade and fermentables.Added 15gm of Cascade hop pellets and then added to fermenter and made up to 21ltrs.

Will let you know how the brew turns out.
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Postby beermeister » Monday Aug 22, 2005 12:21 am

peterd wrote:I have made a career by not answering the question asked! First determine an answer you are happy with, then look for a corresponding question :-)

You're not a lawyer, are you, Peter D? :)
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Postby Tony » Monday Sep 19, 2005 2:59 pm

Dragging up this old chestnut, as promised ...

Tony wrote:As I type, I'm racking my latest "Canal Porter" into secondary. It was the Cascade CMP, a can of Morgan's Chocolate Malt (1Kg) and 500g LDM (Coopers). Naturally I had to taste the hydrometer jar and I think it's going to be a good one. The additional "bite" from the extra chocolate malt (150g) is what I'm looking for, but time will tell. I'll let you know when it's gone through secondary, bottled, and carbonated.

Phhhht. I won't bother with the CMP again. It's still thin and dissapointing. I know the head and carbonation will get better over time, but it's not going to get any better in the body/mouthfeel department.

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