Tooheys Dark Ale

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Tooheys Dark Ale

Postby Brad Meanie » Sunday Oct 03, 2004 7:29 pm

Gday guys. Just wondering if the Tooheys Dark ale I see in the it the same as tooheys old? If so I'm VERY keen to try it. Any tips on brewing it to perfection?

Brad Meanie

Postby gregb » Monday Oct 04, 2004 6:46 am

Possibly, maybe, dunno, probably depends on what you brew it with (Lt Malt, Dark Malt, Dextrose... etc...) Try one with an Ultra brew and let us know.

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Postby Oliver » Thursday Oct 07, 2004 9:19 am


Haven't tried it. If it's like the other Tooheys homebrews, it's made in NZ (not that there's anything wrong with that!).

Perhaps try brewing it with 500g light malt and 500g glucose/dextrose and see how it turns out. If you think it's still not dark enough and a bit too light on that burnt flavor, try using dark malt instead of light malt. If you want a maltier brew, use 1kg light malt or a 50-50 mix of light and dark malt. 1kg dark malt would probably be too much and you'd make it more like a stout, but you might like that ...


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Postby Herby » Tuesday Nov 02, 2004 9:13 pm

G'Day All,

I'm only very new to brewing and must say I've already developed a bit of a passion.
I put a Tooheys Dark Ale down as I am a bit of a fan of the Tooheys Old and was hoping to re-create it to a certain degree. I just cracked my first long neck which was only bottled 2 weeks ago (couldn't wait any longer) and must say I was very pleased with the result.
All I used was the kit plus Coopers brew enhancer #2.
The taste was a little bit watery, but I'm hoping that this will improve with some ageing. Or maybe decrese from 23 to 22 litres in future.
I'll also introduce some dark malt next time too, to get a stronger malt flavour.

If anyone knows the rough quantity of malt in the Coopers brew enhancer 2, that would appreciated.


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Postby wombat » Wednesday Nov 03, 2004 12:58 am

cooper's brew enhancer #2 is:
250g dried light malt extract
250g maltodextrin
500g dextrose

it should be anyway... i can't remember now :)

i tasted a toohey's dark ale brew kit with a brew shop stout mix bag added along with a baggie of hops once and it was much nicer than toohey's old.

i can't remember what the stout mix was. i think it was 500g dried dark malt, 250g maltodextrin and 500g dextrose. i can't seem to remember very much right now :)

i think that the following would be a close enough approximation to toohey's old - or at least a decent beer in the style of toohey's old:

1 can toohey's dark ale
1kg dark liquid malt extract
250g maltodextrin
500g dextrose
1 packet of goldings finishing hops

unfortunately though, toohey's old isn't what it used to be these days. now it's getting worse and worse. it used to be such a beautiful beer... anyway, this should turn out something closer to the original for you ;)

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Postby gregb » Wednesday Nov 03, 2004 3:31 pm

Stout combo:
500g Dark Malt
250g Light Malt
250g Maltodextrin.
The retailer says:
"For that big malty stout, you can't go past this one. Great for olds as well"

...and cross threading, is just what the Cascade Choc Mahogany Porter needs. Thanks Grabman.

I usually only drink Old off the tap when I am at the pub, and have no qualms backing up for another and, oh, ok just one more....


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Postby wombat » Thursday Nov 04, 2004 4:19 pm

whoops, i meant cooper's dark ale - not toohey's dark ale can. toohey's style beer to be made, but using the cooper's can ;) the toohey's can has nothing to do with real toohey's beer.
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Postby grabman » Thursday Nov 04, 2004 6:48 pm

no dramas Greg, I'm just slurping through a Porter now, they just get better the longer I keep them. Might have to hide a few until next winter and see what happens, just have to make sure I don't hide that well that I can't find them again!!!
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