Most hated job in HB

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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by drsmurto »

Slash wrote:
drsmurto wrote:
Slash wrote:+1 for intense hatred of washing the bottles, though I'm a lot quicker now than when I first started. I can't keg because I wouldn't drink it quick enough!
What has speed of drinking got to do with not being able to keg?
I was under the impression that once you tap a keg you had a specific amount of time before the beer went flat? :?
Flat? :shock:

Its a sealed system. Gas cant escape. Plus, its connected to a CO2 cylinder.


As i said, i have 2 kegs (a cider and a Kolsch) that were gassed up and on tap but i wanted to try something else. So they are now sitting in my spare room but still holding pressure. They will be returned to the keg fridge soon.

In pub situations its different as commercial beer (megaswill) is sterile filtered so its has no yeast in it and hence, no natural preservative. Yeast present in HB, even HB that looks crystal clear to your eyes, will always contain some yeast and hence its a stable product.
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Trough Lolly »

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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Biernut »

What the dr didn't say that comercial beer is pasteurised and from what I can make out this is to maintain taste so it doesn't vary. If the beer is off then don't blame the brewery, blame the cellarman for not keeping his lines clean. Sorta covering their arse I guess.
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Shaun »

Slash wrote:
drsmurto wrote:
Slash wrote:+1 for intense hatred of washing the bottles, though I'm a lot quicker now than when I first started. I can't keg because I wouldn't drink it quick enough!
What has speed of drinking got to do with not being able to keg?
I was under the impression that once you tap a keg you had a specific amount of time before the beer went flat? :?
No. Most of us keep our beer at pouring pressure in the keg which is sufficient to keep it carbonated.
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by billybushcook »

Back to most hated job.
Used to be washing DIRTY bottles, like a few of you others I now cold rinse them straight after pouring the stick the cap back on & into thier crate (most are twist top).
Then when ready to bottle they just need a blast with screaming hot water from the tap nearest the water heater & ready to go!!
Now only takes 15 Mins, & they can be taken anywhere in an esky, unlike a keg!

The earlier comments on washing the fermenter........I ve found that after pouring out the yeast trub, if you hot rinse, it will take you several goes to stop it foaming, wereas if you cold rinse first, it will rinse clean much quicker with the cold water, then scrub with a plastic scourer, one hot rinse then 1/3 fill with hot again, throw your jug, spoon & heater in to soak & sanitize (without sanitizer if you have just bottled out of it) & your ready to throw the next one in!!

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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Bizier »

I think it is safe to say NEVER USE A SCOURER on plastic. They scratch it and make tiny little trenches for the bugs to hide in for a war on your beer. Use a soft cloth, or a soft sponge max.
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Longwood-65 »

I changed my mind,
Washing bottles is not my most hated job, It's waiting for a new Keg to chill, when the old one emptied unexpectedly.
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Hunter »

eh cleaning bottles sucks... I had a party couple of weeks back, didn't rinse my favourites out, now they are a real C*** to clean. Poured coke into some of the worse ones, and some of those came up ok, any tips on how to clean really manky bottles?
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by Gym_ »

Bottle brush in the end of a cordless drill ...
beauty is in the eye of the beerholder
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Re: Most hated job in HB

Post by gregb »

Pink Stain remover will clean up the most horrible of bottles.

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