Foaming taps

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.
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Foaming taps

Post by timmy »

Hi all,

I've just put my first kegs into service - 1 has Boonie's LCPA and 1 has a K&K hefeweizen. Both were force carbed (not scientific - I pressurised with a soda stream cannister then shook them) but now the LCPA is pouring fine and the hefe is foaming all over the place. Both should be getting the same gas pressure from the reg so I can't figure out why one is pouring foam. Any suggestions?


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Re: Foaming taps

Post by Tipsy »

I assume your beer lines are the same length.

How long since you force carbed?

Maybe you over carbed one and it is taking a while to balance itself with the other
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Re: Foaming taps

Post by Shaun »


Are you still having this problem? Have you tried playing with the pouring pressure to get the other one to pour well? Not all beers like the same pouring pressure, you may find the other keg will pour better at a different pressure
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Re: Foaming taps

Post by timmy »


I think I found the problem. I suspect it was the poppet valves in the kegs not being the right type so not opening enough to let the beer through. I did manage in the end to get it to pour better but I'll be changing the valves over for the next brew.


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