Draught on tap

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.

Draught on tap

Postby Dogger Dan » Thursday Sep 02, 2004 10:05 am

Hi folks,

I recently put in a draught system in a converted fridge. I have the pics and the theory to go along with it if anyone wants it. It worked out to be pretty cheap as far as I could tell, (under 200 Canadian Dollars). Additionally I carbonate relatively instanteously and don't have to worry about the priming sugar and the yeast dropping out (the heel)

I currerntly run two kegs but have to change fittings every time which is a bloody nuisence. Additionally, you get about half a glass of what was in the line and half of what you really want along with a good fart of foam. I don't have much of an issue with that because like most Canadians was raised on nearly the worst beer on the planet so there isn't much which could really bother me. (Bud comes to mind and some kife called Old Speckled Hen)

Nevertheless I would like to run the two kegs through the same tap (bloody taps are most expensive part, for a good one and I had a cheap one and wasn't worth squat). Anyway, if I tighten up my three way valve so its close to the tap, does anyone think there would be a big issue (the three way would allow me to direct the beer from keg to keg) It would only involve about 4" in of cross contaminated beer (4 inches in a 3/8 hose) additionally, does anyone figure that there will be blow off? Figure I run the pressure about the same in both kegs.

Believe me I am not thinking about me but rather all my friends who seem to think that homebrew means freebrew. Any thoughts or insights would be welcome

Dogger Dan
Dogger Dan
Posts: 3168
Joined: Thursday Aug 26, 2004 10:43 am
Location: Lucan, Ontario, Canada

Postby Oliver » Monday Sep 13, 2004 11:06 pm

Dogger Dan,

Not being a kegger, I can't help. Hopefully someone else might have an insight.


Posts: 3422
Joined: Thursday Jul 22, 2004 1:22 am
Location: West Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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