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Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 3:01 pm
by punkin
G'day. Thought i'd introduce myself. I'm a thirty year kit and kilo man who's just last month started an all grain adventure and suddenly have the clouds part and the revelation of what beer is suppossed to taste like.

I've never smelt hops before 8)

I'm excited and all in.

I found the forum here after doing a search this morning. I've been a member of a much bigger aussie brewing forum for the month i've been brewing and just don't feel comfortable there. Managment there seems to foster or allow a really negative attitude, and while i've never been harshly treated, i've read enough there to know it's not my type of place. Final straw was a retailer getting completely trashed by people who had no intention of using their services. I notice the same ad here with not one negative response :shock:

Guess there's a lot of knowledgeable folk round and i recognize some names, so hopefully from what i've seen this is a more helpfull, interactive and less arrogant spot. looks good so far, aside from all the locked threads which is a bit of a worry?

Anyway, i'm using a 100l esky with a braid bottom (will make a copper manifold as soon as i get round to it) a 50l keg on a burner for a hlt and a 160l stainless pot over a 4 ring burner for a boil pot.
Currently experimenting with 44l batches as they fit nicely in 2 kegs.

I'm getting a nice little collection of kilo bags of hops together and have been a bit slower with malts. I'm using pilsener malt as a base atm as i'm getting it for free, but have bought a bag of wheat malt and one of caramalt.

i have a couple of bags of ale malt coming. :)

Hope to be able to learn a lot and with any luck i'll be able to give some back to the community in my little areas of interest. (mostly distilling) 8)

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 3:08 pm
by Tipsy
G'Day Punkin,
Welcome aboard.
Don't worry about the locked threads, Oliver has that sorted.

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 3:22 pm
by Oliver
Hi and welcome, Punkin. Congratulations on making the move to AG. You've taken longer than most to get there, but better late than never, I guess :-) And some people never get there!

As Tipsy correctly says, don't worry too much about the locked threads; they were caused by someone who had also been getting peoples' backs up on AHB and has now been banned from both forums.

Things are a bit quieter here than on the other forum but hopefully you'll be able to find all the answers you're looking for and get some good tips, not to mention impart some of your new-found AG wisdom :-) We tend to all get along pretty well (recent events excepted).

Anyway, i'm using a 100l esky with a braid bottom (will make a copper manifold as soon as i get round to it) a 50l keg on a burner for a hlt and a 160l stainless pot over a 4 ring burner for a boil pot.
Currently experimenting with 44l batches as they fit nicely in 2 kegs.

You've really embraced the AG thing, haven't you! Any chance of some pics of your setup?

Happy brewing, and welcome again.



Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 4:11 pm
by earle
Welcome Punkin

I go to that forum as well but tend to post more here for the same reasons you referred to.

Make sure you check out the latest lotto draw and pop your name on the list if you're keen.

Oliver wrote: has now been banned from both forums.

Is this just recent Oliver? There seemed to be a spate of posts last week.

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 4:29 pm
by jello
Very recent. Less than a week!

Let the good times roll!

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 4:36 pm
by Oliver
earle wrote:
Oliver wrote: has now been banned from both forums.

Is this just recent Oliver? There seemed to be a spate of posts last week.

Yep. As per Jello's post, on the weekend. Didn't want to make a big deal of it and the offending/offensive posts have been deleted.

I'm hoping we can get back to some brewing and beer discussion now without the distractions :-)



Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Friday Aug 05, 2011 4:56 pm
by punkin
Thanks guys, yes i'll post some piccies up over the next few days. it was abit hard to find pics of my gear that didn't breach the no distillation rules on the other forum as most of my gear doubles as for it's use.

I'm not really in for the lotto, i don't bottle anymore (i'd rather tip the last few litres on my fruit trees than wash bottles) with the exception of cider, and it's to bloody exe to post liquids.

I'm more useful in the distilling or the cooking section that beer making atm, but hoping i'll pick it up.

Having fun trying anyway 8) :lol:


Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Saturday Aug 06, 2011 7:04 am
by warra48
Hi punkin, welcome to the forum.
Always nice to see new members, and with your long brewing experience, I'm sure we can learn from each other.
And yes, they are a friendly bunch here, without the attitude seen on occasion on other forums.

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Saturday Aug 06, 2011 7:53 am
by bullfrog
You're probably starting to get sick of people saying "welcome," but welcome to the site, punkin. Let us know what you're doing right with your newfound AG skills - it's always good to share ideas.

Oh, and just FYI - my iPhone really wants to autocorrect "punkin" to "pinking," so if I accidentally call you that, blame it on Steve Jobs. :P

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Saturday Aug 06, 2011 8:14 am
by RUM57L
G'day Mr Punkin,

Welcome to what i find a great + enjoyable forum, hope that you discover the same.

There are still a few whom enjoy kit and kilo styles so feel free to share any successful recipes here.

Re: Hi From the Punkin

PostPosted: Saturday Aug 06, 2011 9:38 am
by punkin
Thank you one and all.