Ginger Beer Could Lead to a Drug Bust!!!

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Ginger Beer Could Lead to a Drug Bust!!!

Postby Rabbitz » Monday Mar 03, 2008 11:54 am

Well in NZ at least. From

A SUSPECTED drug lab raided by New Zealand police turned out to be nothing more than a ginger beer home brewery.

A security firm responding to a burglar alarm at a property in Hamilton in the North Island called police when they discovered a still they believed to be part of a drug operation, the Waikato Times reported.

Police and firefighters went to the scene and cordoned off the area.

A neighbour said she overheard police talking with the home’s owner who said it was "my husband's bloody ginger beer set-up".

A police spokesman said the response was appropriate given the available information.
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Re: Ginger Beer Could Lead to a Drug Bust!!!

Postby Kevnlis » Monday Mar 03, 2008 12:18 pm

I had a 2L conical yeast starter stirring on my stir plate last time the landlord came around to inspect the property. She did not say anything, but she certainly looked a few times. I explained what it was so as to avoid a similar incident to which she replied "oh... you make beer?" in a real snotty old lady sort of way! :roll: :wink:
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Re: Ginger Beer Could Lead to a Drug Bust!!!

Postby Chris » Monday Mar 03, 2008 12:50 pm

If you said it was drugs, she probably would've been better about it. You do live in Bundy after all...
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