Thought I'd go for something really big instead...

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Thought I'd go for something really big instead...

Postby Fifey » Saturday Jun 18, 2011 9:16 am

If I've got the opportunity to brew with somebody that knows what they're doing, might as well make something really special! Inspired by the coffee and chocolate article in the new Beer and Brewer magazine that I'd only just discovered and the Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout I got as a takeaway from the Wheaty in my 50 minutes there last trip to Adelaide (I was very busy, arrived at 6pm and had the Wheatsheaf then two parties to go to) here's a Mocha Stout article we knocked together based on a recipe from a clone brews booklet.

5kg Maris Otter
0.6kg dark crystal
0.4kg wheat malt
0.4kg (IIRC, can't find the recipe sheet) Carafa Spec II
0.35kg black roasted barley
0.3kg flaked oats
0.3kg dextrose
1/2 vanilla pod

Racked onto cocoa nibs, with steeped coffee added in secondary.

Bittered to about 70IBUs IIRC with some older cascade and goldings I have.
Posts: 152
Joined: Wednesday Feb 24, 2010 11:46 pm
Location: Penola, South Australia

Re: Thought I'd go for something really big instead...

Postby Fifey » Saturday Jun 18, 2011 4:37 pm

Ended up doubling the Carafa and Oats due to an error with (our placement of) the scales. 750g Oats, about 800g Carafa. It worked really nicely though Also forgot to add the vanilla, about to do that now.
Forgot the initial gravity, I'll grab that ASAP.

Pitched with a big starter of 1469.

Probably won't need the coffee, but I'll see how it goes in primary.
Posts: 152
Joined: Wednesday Feb 24, 2010 11:46 pm
Location: Penola, South Australia

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