First AG recipe help

Suggest or request any recipes for a particular beer or style of beer. Post all recipes here, including kit, partial mash and all-grain.

Re: First AG recipe help

Postby drsmurto » Monday Aug 23, 2010 11:01 am

You can filter your beer using the standard filters of 1um and there will be more than enough yeast present to carbonate the beer so using finings wont hurt.

I've never had an issue with beer not carbing up using finings.
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Re: First AG recipe help

Postby Oliver » Friday Dec 17, 2010 12:06 pm

Hi Finnagann,

Doesn't look like you've visited in a while (not sure why I just wrote that because if you haven't been around you won't see this message :? ) but I'm wondering how this beer ended up.

This is the style of beer I'm keen to do for my first BIAB brew once I get all the kit together early in the new year.

I'll try emailing you ...


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