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You probably wouldn't order a "a glass of wine" or "a coffee" when out to dinner or at a bar. Most people would be more precise and ask for a sauvignon blanc or a shiraz, or an espresso or caffe latte. Unfortunately, many people don't think twice about ordering "a beer" just like they'd order a "glass of water".

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Partial mash brewing

A partial mash, also called a mini-mash, is a hybrid between kit or extract brewing, and full mash brewing. A can of concentrate or malt extract is used, and extra fermentable sugars are added by mashing grain to convert the starches to sugar. Hops are often added to supplement the hops in the can of concentrate. Of course, if unhopped extract is used then hops must be added.

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Other ingredients

Apart from grain, water, hops and yeast there are hundreds of other ingredients that can go into beer. Some of these additives are traditionally used in beer, while others have only begun to be used recently as microbrewers push the boundaries of brewing. These ingredients, along with unmalted grains, are not essential ingredients in beer and are referred to as adjuncts.

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May 28, 2017
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Check out our latest constructive, funny, ridiculous and just plain stupid beer reviews. We've added 20 new reviews of Australian and NZ brews.

Millennium Ale review

We've tasted the 16th bottle of the Millennium Ale. We didn't enjoy it.


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