Long term storage of liquid yeast.

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Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by Pom »

I have been wanting to start using liquid yeast for a while and after reading the Doc's Locked Tread on farming liquid yeast im determined to get a few packets of Wyeast with my next order from Grain and Grape. My only question is once the yeast has been harvested how long will it last in long term storage in the fridge? :?:
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by timmy »

I've had some in the fridge for 2 years and was able to bring them back to life eventually.
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by drsmurto »

I've stored yeast for >1 year.

I used to be able to turn them over regularly but with >15 strains in stock now in my yeast bank some are more than a year old.
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by Kevnlis »

drsmurto wrote:... >15 strains in stock now in my yeast bank some are more than a year old.
I sure hope you have an excellent labeling system! :lol:
Prost and happy brewing!

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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by warra48 »

Kevnlis wrote:
drsmurto wrote:... >15 strains in stock now in my yeast bank some are more than a year old.
I sure hope you have an excellent labeling system! :lol:
DrS is a scientist. I would say his lab training would ensure he doesn't mix them up too easily. Unless he has a few schooners for lunch! :) :D :twisted:
Just imagine, a BoPils with WY1469 or WY1968. :D :D
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by Pom »

Thanks guys that answered what I needed to know. Liquid yeast here I come.
Cheers Rob
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by drsmurto »

Yep, all labelled altho 1 is a bit iffy cos the 'label' rubbed off. I think i know what it is......

Also have the generation and source in a spreadsheet so i can track how old they are.

I have a few i have never used and keep telling myself to try something new (eg Pikantus recipe) but i seem to go back to the favourites.

I also tend to brew 4 beers once i get a strain up and running before switching to a new one.

1 of the Adelaide Mash Brewers supplies me with 5mL of yeast for nix - plenty of strains to choose from - Link
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Re: Long term storage of liquid yeast.

Post by chadjaja »

And now that dry yeasts are pushing $7 and liquid yeasts just $11.95 from craftbrewer liquid yeast has never looked so good.

I'll be doing another Boonies LCPA but with 1056 instead of S05 soon me thinks. And my leffe blonde clone will get the abbey liquid yeast instead of just T58. :D
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