What will we all be drinking new years

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What will we all be drinking new years

Postby GTI86 » Tuesday Dec 28, 2004 11:20 am

Just wondering what every one will knock back on new years eve Ive only
got a few bottles of nut brown ale {morgans} and some coppers stout
left should see me through but :wink:
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Postby Oliver » Tuesday Dec 28, 2004 9:04 pm

We'll probably be at a friend's house, which means that due to the risk of losing precious Pickaxe brand bottles if I take homebrew, I'll likely be drinking my commercial staple, Cooper's Pale Ale.


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Postby Dogger Dan » Tuesday Dec 28, 2004 10:12 pm

I should have a keg of Blonde Honey Ale and a citrus Ale that I will get my lips around

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Postby grabman » Wednesday Dec 29, 2004 8:28 am

At this stage it looks as if I'll be working New Years Eve, my wife works in local hotel and I sometimes work in bottle shop to help out. If that happens not much drinking for me as I will be serving people. However if not working I have a case of Mexican Lager I brewed about three months ago that I may be sampling as well as a Cascade Spicy Ghost Draught I have in kegs.

Happy New Year to all,

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Postby Evo » Wednesday Dec 29, 2004 2:32 pm

Yeah, I've got 4 kegs sitting in my fridge including a partial mash Bock and a partial mash Lager that will be nicely lagered and gassed up by NYE. But, no point sitting at home drinking the good stuff. Will probably do an away trip with the boys to some dodgey country town and get bladdered on whatever the local has to offer, pass out (somewhere), wake up (hopefully) and wonder why I do this to myself.

Bring on the new year :)
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Postby gregb » Wednesday Dec 29, 2004 6:30 pm

Actually, I might fridge up some more ciders.
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Postby Marty » Wednesday Dec 29, 2004 6:44 pm

I'm going to be at a mates place where, if I take homebrew, all the freeloaders will be out in force. I do have a kolsch that is hitting it's straps though. Decisions, decisions. If not HB then probably Boags.
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Postby Dogger Dan » Thursday Dec 30, 2004 4:04 am

I am going out on a limb here but I am willing to bet that one of us will get all sloppy and suck back a Carlton Cold entirely by accident.

By the way, anyone have a recipe so I can try it out :wink:

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby gregb » Thursday Dec 30, 2004 6:36 am

Carlton Cold:

Piss forcefully into half a glass of ammonia, chill and enjoy.
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Postby sago » Thursday Dec 30, 2004 7:40 pm

All our mates and relos are away so was looking at a quiet one at home.
The missus wasn,t real keen on watching me get smashed on The Black Enamel Camel so we are booked into the local club for a rock and roll show with the fireworks on the big screen.
Daughter and her beau are tagging along so I will be quaffing a bucketful of Tooheys Old and hoping they will have the occasional shout.
We.ll have to leg it home ,about 2.5 kms so will have to find some decent shoes.
Every time I,ve been to a function this festive season I have managed to wear footwear that refuse to go in a straight line.
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Postby grabman » Thursday Dec 30, 2004 7:50 pm

just make suer Sago that you don'y wear two left shoes therwise your just going to go in circles! Which is fine if you're close to a bar but a bit sh!tty if trying to stroll home.

Have a good one whichever way you go!!!
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