Ruby Tuesday clone check

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Ruby Tuesday clone check

Postby Nashy56 » Wednesday Feb 03, 2016 9:44 am

I'm attempting to clone a Matilda Bay Ruby Tuesday, below is a recipe I have devised I welcome any feedback as it's my first time making a clone recipe from scratch.

Tuby Ruesday
Recipe Specs----------------Batch Size (L): 23.0
Total Grain (kg): 5.150
Total Hops (g): 78.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.72 % C
olour (SRM): 9.2 (EBC): 18.1
Bitterness (IBU): 25.6
(Average) Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill----------------
3.400 kg American 2-Row (66.02%)
0.800 kg Wheat Malt (15.53%)
0.350 kg Carared (6.8%)
0.350 kg Melanoidin (6.8%)
0.250 kg Caramunich I (4.85%)
Hop Bill----------------
24.0 g Hallertau Tradition Pellet (5.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
24.0 g Hersbrucker Pellet (2.8% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
15.0 g Hallertau Tradition Pellet (5.7% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.7 g/L)
15.0 g Hersbrucker Pellet (2.8% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.7 g/L)

Misc Bill----------------5.0 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) @ 60 Minutes (Mash) 5.0 g Irish Moss @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
Single step Infusion at 67°C for 70 Minutes. Fermented at 18°C
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Re: Ruby Tuesday clone check

Postby Nashy56 » Thursday Feb 04, 2016 7:56 am

No news is good news?
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Re: Ruby Tuesday clone check

Postby rotten » Thursday Feb 04, 2016 11:48 am

Just been quite here lately.

I've never heard of it so I can't help at all. Other than to say that I don't see the point in hersbrucker @ 60 with hallertau. I'd move that to late in the boil and adjust the 60 hallertau for the same ibu.
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Re: Ruby Tuesday clone check

Postby Nashy56 » Friday Feb 05, 2016 1:53 pm

Thanks mate, I may have looked past the purpose of each hop, I'll adjust and give it a burl.
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Re: Ruby Tuesday clone check

Postby warra48 » Monday Mar 21, 2016 8:49 am

How did this turn out?

350 Carared + 250 Caramunich totals 600 Cara malts. That seems high to me, and will probably result in a somewhat sweetish beer.
Is that what you were after? Not much IBU to cut that back either at 25 IBU.
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