beer Glasses

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beer Glasses

Postby grabman » Thursday Jan 06, 2005 12:36 pm

They say you should never wash you beer glasses in detergent as it killls the glass. I just wash mine in very hot water and place back in fridge, occasionally give them a clean in steriliser.

A friend missus killed all his beer glasses by washing in dishwasher, thought she was helping, now they won't retain head and beer goes flat a lot quicker. Has anyone found a way of restoring these glasses? My wife works in a pub, aren't I a lucky boy, and they end up throwing glasses if washed in detergent, they have no solution either but would love to find on.

Any ideas guys?
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Postby Oliver » Thursday Jan 06, 2005 2:49 pm

I wash mine in detergent, then rinse in very hot water and let drain.

Never had a problem with head :wink:

But I do believe that the dishwasher will comprehensively stuff beer glasses.


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Postby grabman » Thursday Jan 06, 2005 3:16 pm


wife say a that even detergent can stuff the glasses. when they send glasses out with a keg for parties they ask people not to wash glasses at all but to just put back in box, then they sort them when they get back to pub. To clean at the pub they use a chemical called "tri-sodium" to remove marks etc.

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Postby Dogger Dan » Thursday Jan 06, 2005 10:10 pm

I rinse mine after use and then rinse again with cold water prior to pouring the first one

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Postby gregb » Friday Jan 07, 2005 4:28 am

What I have found works to restore a flat beer glass:

Dishwashing detergent and hot water, rinse and rinse again until the water shows no sign of foaming.

A couple of Rum & Cokes in a dead beer glass will return it to new. I am not sure if it is the rum or the coke that is doing the job.

Also try the bottle wash solution or Neo Pink rinse in cold water.

For day to day usage I rinse in hot tap water and air dry on the drainer.


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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Jan 07, 2005 10:20 am

I like the sounds of the rum and cokes, will try that after my last beer

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby grabman » Friday Jan 07, 2005 10:35 am

got a couple of dead one Greg will give it a try,

I'm with Dogger although after the last beer the last thing I need is more alcohol! However a coke heart starter in the morning is sometimes useful.
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Postby rain » Friday Jan 07, 2005 3:45 pm

Well ............ anything is worth a try, eh?
OLD FASHION steel-wool, not the new soap impregnated stuff, used to work 131 years ago when the boss insisted it was my turn to clean the things.
Wrap it on the end of a stick (dowel [a newish word] is about right) and shove it in and out a few times, rotate it a bit and douche thoroughly. Remember though, you are cleaning not trying to wear-it-out.
Then take care when filling the next time - over frothing can be dangerous.
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Postby Dogger Dan » Friday Jan 07, 2005 10:11 pm


Is that 131 years in dog years :wink:

"Listening to someone who brews their own beer is like listening to a religous fanatic talk about the day he saw the light" Ross Murray, Montreal Gazette
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Postby rain » Saturday Jan 08, 2005 9:39 am

Aaw, come on Mate. Suave, debonaire, even salubrious and elderly but dog years are seven to one, aren't they?
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