A functioning Sodastream Co2 dispenser with 330g bottle has recently come into my possession and I'm wondering what is preventing us from carbonating direct into bottles. I do not have the space or the inclination to set up a kegging system. Low consumer only.
My beers, Dark Ale, English Bitter Ale, Kilkenny-style and lagers all done from Coopers kits and often manipulated, are all fermented in a small freezer with controller all at the extreme lower end of their recommended yeast temps. I bulk-prime only, using mainly dextrose but sometimes corn syrup extract at about 170grams. Bottling is easy and trouble-free if not a little time consuming, and THAT is where I'm looking.
So, what if I bottled directly out of the initial fermenter, carbonated directly from the Sodastream unit, capped and stored? Tiresome searches on the web show very little on this. An adaptor is needed to fit between the dispensing unit and bottle but what other hurdles are there? Anyone ever tried? Am I wasting my time? Should I just go back to admiring fractal image equations then?