First brew down using starter and brew fridge.....

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First brew down using starter and brew fridge.....

Postby HARMSY » Monday May 02, 2011 7:24 am

Well I got my first brew down using the starter I had a crack at and in the new fridge. I mixed the wort yesterday and pitched the yeast this morning once it had cooled sufficiently , knappstein here we come.

The whole cooling process got me thinking, this is my second round of brewing (had an extended break due to almost cutting my thumb off). When I first started out I never cooled my wort, ales or largers, pitched the yeast straight away. Judging by how long it took to get down to optimal temp over night I'm surprised my brews came out as good as they did!! I hoping this means it can only get better now that I'm refining my methods.

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Re: First brew down using starter and brew fridge.....

Postby emnpaul » Monday May 02, 2011 6:38 pm

had an extended break due to almost cutting my thumb off

Now I know why you're called Harmsy. :lol:

You can look forward to many excellent beers in your new brew fridge. Good luck with the Knapstein.

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