Coopers clone

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Coopers clone

Postby AidanMatthews » Wednesday Mar 30, 2011 8:28 pm

Hey guys,

Been trying to clone coopers pale ale,

Got the bitterness right.
Got the colour pretty much right.
Head is better than commercial stuff.

Malt character and complexity is a little off due to it being an extract recipe i assume.

Taste a little like banana but i know next time i try it will be with a fridge so fermenting @ 18 or 19C should get the results im looking for. Ps im using the actual yeast cultured from longnecks.

1 thing though, where does the bread note come from, its the only thing im missing in my beer.

Also mum visited and turned her nose up at the real thing in a side by side comparison hahaha.
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Re: Coopers clone

Postby emnpaul » Thursday Mar 31, 2011 3:26 pm

G'day Aidan,

I read somewhere, possibly this forum, that Coopers ferment their Pale Ale at 16 degrees, about the lowest possible for the Coopers yeast, and pitch a massive quantity of yeast to compensate for the slower ferment at that temperature. Try making a largish starter and fermenting at 16.5-17 deg. You may have to be a little more patient though. This should give you the bready note that you are looking for.

Taste a little like banana

Sounds like the last batch was fermented around 22-23 degrees. Lower ferment temp should change bannana into bread.

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Re: Coopers clone

Postby barrelboy » Thursday Mar 31, 2011 3:55 pm

Hi guys, Aidan how long in the fermenter? What used to carbonate in bottles? how long in bottles?
Cheers BB
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Re: Coopers clone

Postby AidanMatthews » Friday Apr 01, 2011 8:02 am

7 days in primary at 23 (brewed during hot weather), bulk primed with dextrose to 2.4 volumes.
Its been in the bottle for about 8 weeks now.
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Re: Coopers clone

Postby barrelboy » Friday Apr 01, 2011 10:47 am

I'd agree with Paul that fermentation temp was too high and I'd leave brew longer than 7 days, 12+. Good news though is way back made similar batch and it mellowed out after 12 weeks in the bottle.
Cheers BB
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