Storing kegs... should I gas first?

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.

Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby Daron1973 » Wednesday Apr 08, 2009 4:14 pm


I just kegged a pretty tasty and reasonably potent real ale (about 6.1%). I wish to store it until I;ve drained another keg on tap now.

Should I gas it up and store it or would it be OK to let it sit? I've burped it a couple of times.

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Re: Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby drsmurto » Wednesday Apr 08, 2009 4:34 pm

Burping it is fine.

I have more kegs than can fit in the keg fridge so i generally attach the spare gas line to the beer out line and bubble gas thru it for 60 secs. Burp a few times during this.

Some kegs can sit around for 2-3 months before needed.
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Re: Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby Daron1973 » Wednesday Apr 08, 2009 5:33 pm

Thanks for that. I'll do that and store for happier times.

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Re: Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby goq11k_76 » Wednesday Jun 10, 2009 11:40 pm

bringing up an old thread here...

would it make any difference for lager vs ale brews and keeping stored outside of fridge,
I dont have enough room to fit all my kegs in the fridge at once so keeping lagers out in the warmer air is ok for a month or so?

and not gassing them till needed is preferred?
I havent done this before as I only had 2 kegs so drank em before I had a chance to store them, got more kegs now so storing is a must now.
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Re: Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby Daron1973 » Thursday Jun 11, 2009 8:15 am

the local microbrewer (Holgate) told me to put a layer of CO2 over the brew to keep it from oxidising and giving it the smelly sock taste and smell later.

I just gassed it for a few hours then burped it. No problem. I'd reckon (if your in the southern states leaving a lager outside the fridge in your shed/garage will ensure the temps are low.... I dont even need a fridge in mine lately.

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Re: Storing kegs... should I gas first?

Postby Longwood-65 » Thursday Jun 11, 2009 8:43 am

I like, out of the Fermenter into the Keg
Carbonating the keg ready for drinking (Of course the burp to remove any air), store in a cool place.
My Fridge holds 2 Kegs when 1 is empty I put a stored carbonated keg in for chilling ready for when the other keg is empty.
This way I always have Cold carbonated beer on tap not needing to mess around trying to force carbonate or de-gas because I over carbonated.

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