Conditioning Question

The ins and outs of putting your beer into kegs.

Conditioning Question

Postby modo » Saturday Nov 22, 2008 9:18 pm

Can you gas a keg and leave out of the fridge to condition for a month or so, as I only have 1 beer fridge to brew in and keep kegs in. I only just bought a keg set up and very green in the ups and downs.
If you can do you fully gas them[270/300kpa] or do just purge to oxygen out.
I think it shouldn't make any difference as I leave my bottles out to carb up.
Any help please. :roll:
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Re: Condioning Question

Postby Clean Brewer » Saturday Nov 22, 2008 11:03 pm

Thats fine mate, just purge the air out with co2, pull the pressure relief valve a couple times and alls good, ensure you check that your kegs are holding pressure though through the seals etc, grab a spray bottle, fill with water and some detergent and spray on your lid seals, relief valve and gas in, beer out posts and if they dont bubble up, all should be ok..

I just had a small issue with my regulator not being done up quite tight enough and had a small gas leak, not something you really want..

To be updated shortly....

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Clean Brewer
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Re: Condioning Question

Postby Longwood-65 » Sunday Nov 23, 2008 7:56 am

Hi Modo,
I'm fairly new to the kegs, ( since late August) here is what I have tried.

1st keg eager to drink ( 2 weeks in fermenter into keg into fridge force carb'd ) poured great, nice head good bubbles in beer, Beer very immature.

2nd keg, purged at 300kpa conditioned 2 weeks, over carbinated.

3rd keg ditto 2nd keg but conditioned 3 weeks ( didn't learn from 2nd keg because it hadn't been tapped)

4th keg learn't from 2nd keg and purged at pouring pressure, conditioned 3 weeks, cooled, force carbinated, poured good, good head retension, beer still a little immature. ( Carbination method pretty much the same as Ross's)

5th natural primed using sugar, purged at pouring pressure, beer highly over carbinated more so than kegs 2 & 3.

6th Keg done same as 5th expecting same result, this keg is not far off being tapped have been releasing gas every few days to try counteract the expected overcarbination

7th keg & 8th done same as 4th but both are still conditioning, so can't give you result.

Note 1: easier to put gas into beer than to get it out.
Note 2: all beers start pouring cloudy but about 1/4 to 1/3 through it clears. I do not rack. I have not shortened dip tube.

as you can probably tell a lot of beer gets consumed at this house hold, finding time to condition is the biggest problem

all beers k&k's pretty much the same recipe only difference is the type and quantity of hops used for flavouring
Coopers lager ( green Lid) 1 kilo brewing sugar, 500 grams Light dry malt ( Hops to flavour) to 23litre brew

Cheers hope this helps
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Re: Condioning Question

Postby modo » Sunday Nov 23, 2008 7:28 pm

Thanks :D boys
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