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PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 3:26 pm
by gregb
Having ummed and erred, fitted and started, defferred and put off all graining for the last three years or so, I finally got up the pluck to make the attempt.

One of the main things that was putting me off was the 23L boil, as I dont have a pot that big, and my electric stove is really not up to the task. In the end the solution was simple - the 11L batch.

First attempt was a Pilsner, recipe as follows:

2Kg Pilsner Malt 3EBC/1.7Lov
28gm Saaz 60 Mins
14gm Saaz 45 mins
14gm Saaz 30 mins
14gm Saaz 15 mins
14gm Saaz Steeped

Saflager W34/70

I Mashed for about 25 mins at 40C and then for a little over an hour at about 65C.

Used a big sheet of Muslin for a manifold and did a sort of batch sparge.

OG 1038 FG 1006. Down 15/10/05, Bottled 28/10/05.

Tasted first one this arvo.

First impression was fairly noticeable chill haze. May have to work on the wort cooling. (Maybe 2 bags of ice in the sink.) Apart from that I was quite pleased with my effort.

If you want to give the All Grain caper a go, don't be afraid have a bash. Truly the hardest part of the process is to leave the mash alone and let it mash away.


PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 3:36 pm
by Hrundi V Bakshi
That is a very large bag of hops for a low gravity half-batch. Did you calculate the IBU?

PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 3:45 pm
by gregb

It occured to me later that the hopping rates I had taken were for a partial boil / extract recipe. I also made the mistake of not leaving enough room in the little hop bags I had for the plug to expand right out. So the two mistakes sort of cancel each other out. It certainly didn't taste over hopped.

We brew and learn.


PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 4:34 pm
by NTRabbit
gregb wrote:
We brew and learn.


and brew again!


PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 8:16 pm
by thehipone
Dry hop that bastard with some Saaz! :twisted:

Dont worry, the only time when there are too many hops is when the wort wont absorb any more alpha acids.

PostPosted: Sunday Nov 06, 2005 9:24 pm
by db
thehipone wrote:Dont worry, the only time when there are too many hops is when the wort wont absorb any more alpha acids.

:lol: good call

PostPosted: Monday Nov 07, 2005 9:05 am
by grabman
top job Greg,

you won't look back! I much prefer the AG's now, do the odd kit brew when I'm in a hurry!

Going to tackle a 40L batch soon, try to get plenty of summer beer on hand, not sure what receipe to use, but will look for/make up a light summer ale. Plenty of wheat might be the go!


PostPosted: Monday Nov 07, 2005 8:41 pm
by NickMoore
congrats Greg, any problems with the muslin as manifold or did it work a treat?


PostPosted: Monday Nov 07, 2005 8:52 pm
by yardglass
Hrundi V Bakshi wrote:That is a very large bag of hops for a low gravity half-batch. Did you calculate the IBU?

So I take it that if I were to try that recipe, all of the above hop weights should be halved ?


PostPosted: Tuesday Nov 08, 2005 3:40 am
by gregb
Probably. I got away with it beacuse my hop bags were too tight and I don't think I got especially good utilisation. If you're using hop pelets I'd say halve, plugs or whole hops maybe 2/3 and use a good size hop bag.

The recipe also used 6 hop plugs - exactly the number that came in the packet.

Of course, as a style Pilsner can't really be too hoppy. The saaz I used was only 4% aa too.
