Wheat Grain

Methods, ingredients, advice and equipment specific to all-grain (mash), partial mash (mini mash) and "brew in a bag" (BIAB) brewing.

Wheat Grain

Postby matr » Friday Apr 11, 2008 10:03 am

Hi Guys,

I've managed to get my hands on some "Golden Wheat grains" from a farmer mate of mine. Just wondering if this would be suitable to add to a brew????

If so what would be the best method to use? I was planning on adding it to;

Coopers' Wheat kit (or similar)
1kg Wheat Malt
SAF WB-06 yeast
maybe some Corriander & Orange for the Hoegaarden effect

The grain isn't cracked so I'll just pummel it in a pestle & mortar.

Any other suggested additions without getting too serious would also be appreciated.

Cheers, Mat.
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Re: Wheat Grain

Postby rwh » Friday Apr 11, 2008 10:39 am

I'd suggest that that's probably unmalted wheat. It will need to be mashed with some base malt with a sufficiently high diastatic power to convert the starches to sugar (as unmalted wheat doesn't have any enzymes of its own). Any ale or pilsener malt should suffice, at a ratio of about 50:50 unmalted wheat to malted barley. You can check out TL's Partial Mash Instructions for more on doing a partial.

You can use that recipe above, but effectively you'll be substituting the 1kg wheat malt with a freshly made grain-wort from your wheat/barley mash. Something like 750g wheat + 750g barley malt should give you about the same amount of sugar as 1kg wheat malt (depending on your efficiency).
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Re: Wheat Grain

Postby timmy » Friday Apr 11, 2008 12:29 pm

Does the same apply to using plain wheat flour, or do you have to mash initially at the lower temps for the glutenase to do it's work?

I recently made a partial mash wit using plain wheat grains, but I crushed it pretty hard and was like flour in the end. I did a single step infusion and it appeared to work OK.


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