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Using cider liquid yeasts

PostPosted: Thursday Dec 04, 2008 11:18 am
by timmy
Hi all,

I got my first smacker of Wyeast Cider yeast (4766 IIRC) and want to do the normal thing of culturing up and then splitting into 6. Obviously I'd use LDME if it was beer yeast, but what if it's cider yeast? Presumably I'd just make a sugar solution with some nutrient added. Has anyone done this?



Re: Using cider liquid yeasts

PostPosted: Thursday Dec 04, 2008 11:39 am
by drsmurto
Why make a starter?

You can collect the yeast cake and reuse that. Unlike beer, cider has no proteins so the cake is virtually all yeast.

Re: Using cider liquid yeasts

PostPosted: Thursday Dec 04, 2008 12:00 pm
by timmy
Thanks Doc.

It appeals to my lazy nature.

Slightly OT, but has anyone had luck ringing orchards directly to get apples for cider?
