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Chocolate Beer

PostPosted: Saturday Oct 30, 2004 4:49 pm
by davidngwen
Hi guys,
I was listening to the abc the other morning at work, and heard mention of a chocolate stout. From the conversation there was one of 2 ways to make this, either melt up the chocolate and mix in when heating up hops, or alternatively, to finely grate it into your brew at the initial brewing stage. Then left for some weeks so the taste develops in the beer.

They said it was quite nice. I have yet to try this, but was wondering if anyone else has tried this and what was the result?

Cheers in advance


PostPosted: Saturday Oct 30, 2004 7:18 pm
by rain ... de=results

davidngwen - I can't help, but 'chocolate' has been discussed a few times in the forum (see the link above) so perhaps you'll get some info there.

BTW, welcome. :wink:

PostPosted: Saturday Oct 30, 2004 9:11 pm
by Dogger Dan

I just finished one, a Chocolate Porter which was pretty good but I don't see myself doing it again anytime soon. The issue with chocolate is that it has Cocoa Butter in it which leads to some really wierd fermentations reportedly and multiple transfers to get this layer of fat off the top of your beer. Instead it was recommended to go with just straight Cocoa powder. I found the flavour a bit heady (very burnt flavour) and think a similar beer could have been achieved with just Chocolate Malt. I don't have the ratio of Cocoa to Ounces of Choclate handy but I wil try and dig it up. I though it was a bit excessive when all was said so I cut it back.


PostPosted: Saturday Oct 30, 2004 11:21 pm
by Guest
The suggested exchange rate of Cocoa to Chocolate is 3 tablespoons for every ounce of chocolate. I found it a bit much and cut it in half and even then it was a lot.


PostPosted: Monday Nov 01, 2004 10:19 am
by db
try some chocolate grain.. i just did a msb deep roast ale & chucked in a little too much - & it tastes like a chocolate milkshake..

PostPosted: Thursday Nov 04, 2004 4:23 pm
by Oliver

As db says, you can definitely get a beer to taste like chocolate without adding anything apart from grain/malt, yeast, hops and water. The darker grains are what will give you the chocolatey taste.

My brew No.13, Cooper's Dark Ale, was made with a can of Cooper's Dark Ale and a brew booster that contained dark dried malt. Nice and chocolatey it was, too.

