Timothy Taylor Landlord

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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Thursday Dec 03, 2009 10:01 am

Funny you should ask.....

My contribution to the xmas case swap this year is my latest version of this beer.

Also have it on tap and am loving it. If only i had the motivation to get my beer engine installed.....

The grist has changed a few times since the recipe listed in the 1st post.

Thomas Fawcett Floor Malted grains are now available in the country and i have developed an addiction for them. Munich is no longer needed as these grains pack the malt punch i found missing in the bairds equivalents.

Current recipe is 97% TF Maris Otter with 3% Weyermann caraaroma. The hops schedule is still the same as is the yeast.

WY1028 (London Ale) produces a nice beer and I've used it a few times but it's not in the same league as WY1469 (West Yorkshire) when it comes to producing esters. I would push the ferment to 22C to get as many esters out of the 1028 as you can.


My next variant will be using TF Golden Promise as the base malt.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Thursday Dec 03, 2009 11:42 am

If I'm using Simpsons Maris Otter would there be any subtle changes at all to the grain bill?

Easy to push ye ole London ale yeast to 22 degrees this time of the year. There is a reason I'm looking at doing summer saisons :wink:

Cheers and thanks Doc :mrgreen:

Just wanted something a bit different from the APA's I've been doing and the wheat on tap.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Friday Dec 04, 2009 8:42 am

I've got a bag of Simpsons MO but am yet to use it.

I'd got the latest version first (97% MO and 3% caraaroma) and see how that goes. You can add munich next time if you feel the malt is lacking.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Friday Dec 11, 2009 7:11 am

Well well.

A distinctly different mash smell with the MO.. I started early and I forgot to add the crystal I wanted in there realising during the mash, so I simply just got out ye ol grain sock and steeped it adding it to the sparge collections and taking out a litre or so of sparge water. MO LOVES to form dough balls :shock: Damn Styrian smells great! One cup of hop tea was hard to add rather than use it to cover my head with it and a tea towel pretending I had a cold and it was menthol LOL

Pitched at 22 last night and this morning its going off with the 1028 starter in it. D

So far it looks and smells good. Missed my OG slightly at 1042 but damn near close enough :wink:

Will be much cheaper than the $14 a bottle they wanted at the Little creatures beer hall the other night thats for sure! Will go into a cube for two weeks of cc, then when I return from Tassie for xmas in the keg it will go! Jan can't come soon enough.. :D

Cheers and thnx Doc.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Friday Dec 11, 2009 9:49 am

I used to get dough balls when i added the grain to the water.

Now i underlet that problem is no longer!

With the spec grain you could have simply added it to the mash tun as you were sparging as you really only need to rinse the sugars off the grains in this case.

Styrian goldings are gorgeous. I bought a kg of styrian plugs late last year and am just finishing them now. Hard not to sit next to the boil with my nose stuck in the bag........
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Friday Dec 11, 2009 9:13 pm

underlet??? please explain :oops:

Yeah I figured I could of put the crystal in as all it really needs is 20 mins or so but I just chucked it in some 70 water and let it sit. no biggie but it did add some colour that I think this brew needs.

Gorgeous indeed! :P
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Saturday Dec 12, 2009 9:24 pm

I dont have any pics on hand to illustrate but picture this.

My HLT sits on 2 milk crates so is higher than my mash tun by ~60cm.

The hot water runs out of the HLT and is gravity fed into the tap of the mash tun which contains the grain.

So the water comes in underneath the grain.


Once all the water is in i stir for a few mins and voila. No dough balls.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Saturday Dec 12, 2009 9:31 pm

Ahhh I see....

My mash tun sits on two red milk crates, I too have a high tech brew stand :lol:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby Tipsy » Monday Dec 14, 2009 10:12 am

My mash tun sit on 3 blue milk crates, so I think I win :wink:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby warra48 » Monday Dec 14, 2009 1:56 pm

Here's my set up.

The kettle needs a burner installing under it. It's sitting in the box at the bottom of the pic, but apparently is under embargo until 25 December.

I fill my HLT with water run from my immersion chiller, so everything is gravity fed.

The bit of foil around the rim of the HLT is to de-identify the keg. It was a gift from another local brewer, who has since gone on to have a set up far better than mine.

I don't think I win, and don't want to win. I'm happy to leave that to all you young bucks, I'm past the stage of wanting to be competitive.

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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby jello » Monday Dec 14, 2009 3:55 pm

Looks good to me warra. Doesn't need to look pretty to work well.

Anyway, It'll be a while yet before I even consider going to grain brewing.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Monday Dec 14, 2009 5:01 pm

Well at 20-22 degrees this brew has attenuated pretty fast even though it only started at just over 1040. Still its got a fair while to sit there till the two weeks are up, gets transfered from primary on xmas eve to be exact. The sample smelt great and looks promising like a great brew. Will report back in a few weeks time.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Tuesday Dec 15, 2009 10:08 am

Sounding promising Chad.

Here's my simple brewery, i have upgraded the bench recently but haven't got any pics.

Mash tun and HLT - i now use 2 milk crates

Kettle - raised up on bricks so i can gravity feed the wort through a plate chiller and into a fermenter.

And to bring this thread back on topic here is a pic of my latest Landlord - its cleared up since then as this was the first pint from the keg... i couldnt wait any longer :lol:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Tuesday Dec 15, 2009 3:31 pm

ppffttt you have one of those fancy ball valve taps on your MT..... :P

I have an inkling my TTL may come out a little darker than yours Doc, will wait and see.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Wednesday Dec 16, 2009 10:01 am

True but my HLT thermostat is in degrees Fahrenheit!
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby warra48 » Wednesday Dec 16, 2009 10:49 am

drsmurto wrote:True but my HLT thermostat is in degrees Fahrenheit!

Easily fixed. :D :D
Print out a conversion chart from º F to ºC, and blue tack it to the wall ! :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Wednesday Dec 16, 2009 11:31 am

I could have done that warra but i got another hole drilled in the HLT and stuck a dial thermometer in.

So now I use the Fahrenheit thermostat to adjust the temp and read the 'real' temp of my dial which is in Celsius!

My mother hasn't seen the extra hole i put in (my HLT) her preserving urn yet! :lol:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Saturday Jan 16, 2010 10:02 pm

Well well Doc...

I took my landlord and put it in a jerry on top of some gelatine, hit it with some co2 on xmas eve and its sat there till today cold conditioning. Finally got to taste a sample of it as it went into the keg to be gassed. Great malt backbone, aroma is pretty darn close to the bottle I had a few weeks ago. Tastes and smells VERY promising! Will know in two days when its in the glass to enjoy. I'm looking for an alternative house beer to the APA's I've had on rotation lately so fingers crossed.

Last two batches I used gelatine in the keg so I'm hoping this time using it in the cube and cold crashing helps produce clearer beer in the keg. I had three batches where I was out of whirlfloc and this is one of them.

Will report back with my verdict as I used 1028 in it as you know.

On top of that today was my first brew day with my new 40L birko and copper chiller and damn they make life easier :mrgreen:
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby drsmurto » Monday Jan 18, 2010 9:00 am

I gelatine in secondary as well with the aim of getting as clear a beer as possible i the keg. Also use polyclar in summer as my keg fridge temperature is low enough for chill haze to be an issue. In winter that's not a problem as the fridge goes back to 10C (which is warmer than outside for much of winter!)

The Landlord is a regular on tap here although i wouldn't say i have a house beer that is on tap all the time. This and the golden ale get brewed more than most.
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Re: Timothy Taylor Landlord

Postby chadjaja » Monday Jan 18, 2010 5:21 pm

Success! Well the good doc might critique it and tell me how its off the original but its still a similar beer to TTL and thats what I was going for. My first British ale thats not a dark beer and at 4% its a quaffer. Mine turned out a bit darker than yours Dr with more a caramel colour, the malt and grain taste with hop aroma is great. I'm wrapt with this beer even though I used 1028 wyeast and had to use different MO grain etc.

PM your addy Dr and I'll send you a sample, i'll have to bottle it from the keg so it may lose a bit of carbonation but it will have to do :mrgreen:

Much cheaper than the $25 for a stubbie I paid when I first had this beer!!!!!
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