Chilli Beer

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Chilli Beer

Postby barrelboy » Thursday Mar 03, 2011 10:02 am

If you like chilli try this for fun and under 20 bucks for the 60 stubbies. I use the Coopers mexican cerveza or draught using enhancer 2. Before making brew place 5 roughly chopped HOT chilli's (I use homegrown scotch bonnets) in about 250ml of water, bring to the boil then simmer for 10 minutes. Make your brew as per normal however before adding the yeast pour chilli water through a fine kitchen strainer into the batch. It will flatten the "froth" a bit but doesn't matter. Add yeast and ferment as normal. When ready bottle. You'll find the beer doesn't burn your mouth out but gives heat to the back of your throat like a good curry and tastes great. Matures well and goes really well with a bbq or pizza. Beats the "drop a chilli in the bottle" method hands down.

await results? barrel boy
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Re: Chilli Beer

Postby Lachy » Monday Mar 07, 2011 6:44 pm

Interesting... I've tried a couple of commercial chilli beers and found them revolting and one downright painful to drink. I am, however, intrigued by the concept of chilli in beer. For a while I even entertained the notion of doing a coriander chilli and lemongrass wheat beer...
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Re: Chilli Beer

Postby emnpaul » Thursday Mar 17, 2011 4:22 pm

I've been thinking of a Kaffir lime cerveza for a while now. Kaffir lime and chilli could be even better!!!

Thanks BB for the tip :D
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Re: Chilli Beer

Postby barrelboy » Friday Mar 18, 2011 9:29 am

Now that sounds nice, I'll give that a go. I think these are good fun beers to do every now and again, easy to make and cheap.
Let us know how yours turns out. bb
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Re: Chilli Beer

Postby emnpaul » Friday Mar 18, 2011 5:19 pm

Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while and I think I'm going to have to do it!

I'd probably prefer something a bit closer to Sol than Corona, but not essential as long as it's nothing like a "Barefoot Radler". I've just had a read of a few Cerveza and Lime beer threads and come up with the following recipe. Does this sound O.K?

1.7Kg Cerveza kit
500g LME
100g DME
250g Munich malt
hand full of Thai chillis prerpared as per BB's instructions
4 limes
12 large Kaffir leaves from the bush out the back, boiled with extract?
S-23 lager yeast
Made to 20 litres

Maybe i should keep it simple and leave out the DME and munich and let the chilli and lime do the talking? Or go the whole hog and make a "Thaiveza" and throw in some lemon grass and ginger as well? :twisted:

P.S. sorry to hijack your thread BB
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Re: Chilli Beer

Postby barrelboy » Friday Mar 18, 2011 6:23 pm

No problems, this is what its all about. Recipe ok to me but don't trust me too much on that. The first brew I'd keep simple as you suggest for the first one anyway.
Cheers bb
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