Mexican Beer Recipe

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Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby adz2332 » Thursday Jan 28, 2010 10:33 am

Hey all,

Im a fan of SOL and CORANA beer (dont hold it against me)
Anyone got a recipe for something along those lines? Or something using the mexican mixes that have turned out well??

Pissing in a bottle will not be accepted as a recipe :wink:
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby Bum » Thursday Jan 28, 2010 10:32 pm

How about pissing in a bottle half full of water?

I hear good things about the Coopers Cervesa kit when done as per instruction (not the temp though - remember to keep it cool!) from many new brewers.

Best of luck finding a recipe that suits!
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby Parrothead » Sunday Feb 07, 2010 10:51 pm

Here's one that I made a couple of years ago, it came out great. I'm sure you could leave out the limes.

115g 10L Crystal
3.3lb tin [1.5k] Coopers Light Malt Syrup
1lb [@500g] Muntons XLT DME or similar
14g Hallertau or Mt. Hood - 60 minutes
14g Hallertau or Mt. Hood - 5 minutes
5 limes
1 packet of Dry Lager yeast


Add crytal malt [in a hop or grain bag] to 2 US gallons [7.5liters] of cold water. Bring to a boil over 30 minutes, remove grains prior to boil.

Add the 500g DME and 14g of the Mt. Hood, boil for 60 minutes;

With 20 minutes left in the boil, add the Coopers light malt [late extract addition];

Meanwhile, juice the 5 limes, and at 5 minutes left in the boil, add the limes [rinds and all] and the remaining 14g of Mt. Hood.

Cool and strain wort into primary fermenter and add to enough cold water to make up 19L. Pitch yeast.
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby RUM57L » Monday Aug 09, 2010 9:00 am

The missus has decided to give one a go, so this is what she's done...

Morgans chairman selection - Cortes Mexican Cerveza.

3.4l hot water
1kg coopers brew enhancer 2
Juice 6 limes
Juice 1 lemonade fruit ( some hybrid lemon / mandarin tree i think)
19.6 cold water
Ends cut of the fruit and then halved and thrown into the wort

She then took a reading with hydrometer : 1.112

Brew cellar 15gm European yeast was added at 22degrees.

This is her first brew and i hope it goes well for her, as she doesnt drink beer i'll have to sample some
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby warra48 » Monday Aug 09, 2010 10:25 am

That hydrometer reading can't possibly be correct! There's no way those ingredients add up to an OG of 1.112.

I think what you've done is to measure the goop from the can and the BE2, although mixed with a small amount of water.
The other 19.6 litres of cold water obviously didn't flush the high gravity mix out of the tap, giving you the high reading.

For future batches, I'd mix all ingredients properly in the fermenter, then run a litre or so through the tap and add that back to your batch. Then take your reading. It will give you a much more accurate starting point.
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby RUM57L » Monday Aug 09, 2010 10:33 am

G'day Warra,

You could be right, everything was stirred and mixed quite well although maybe there was some thicker stuff in the tap.

I like your method of flushing, i think i might do that for all future brews.

Oh well, we'll see how it turns out anyway .. i guess readings will be off now though.

After 7-8 days i'll start taking readings and have an estimate i guess
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Re: Mexican Beer Recipe

Postby RUM57L » Monday Sep 06, 2010 7:43 am

Had a taste of one of these on saturday night and was rather impressed.
It had a good after taste refreshing and citrussy needs more time to carbonate but in summer after cutting the grass i can see myself knocking a few down
RUM57L wrote:The missus has decided to give one a go, so this is what she's done...

Morgans chairman selection - Cortes Mexican Cerveza.

3.4l hot water
1kg coopers brew enhancer 2
Juice 6 limes
Juice 1 lemonade fruit ( some hybrid lemon / mandarin tree i think)
19.6 cold water
Ends cut of the fruit and then halved and thrown into the wort

She then took a reading with hydrometer : 1.112

Brew cellar 15gm European yeast was added at 22degrees.

This is her first brew and i hope it goes well for her, as she doesnt drink beer i'll have to sample some
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